Ellen Silberlicht

Ellen Silberlicht
click on my photo to view my website

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Scholastic Arts....2012

This horse was created by Chloe Lienert, a senior at Honesdale High School.

This tank is actually a working whistle and was created by Noah Pietraszewski
This is a busy time of year, getting ready for The Scholastic Art and Writing competition just before Christmas break is pretty hectic. I don't know why they have it at the beginning of the year, because there is some great work beginning to happen in my room by the first year students. My 3rd year students are doing some magnificent pieces. Each one is challenging themselves with their own vision. It's fantastic to see the students develop their voice in clay! Check back after Christmas to see their work. I will post all the work submitted on Facebook and then the winning pieces here. Can't wait to see who wins what awards and gets recognized for doing a great job!

Summer has ended....some time ago!

This grouping is something totally different than what I have made before....I just wanted to go abstract, and play....and see where it took me. This first piece was inspired by the fiddle ferns. The next one wasn't cooperating, so I cut it off and stretched it thin. It has a very delicate, still in motion feeling for me. The stain changes from a  green to a blue at the bottom.

This piece was created with a Calla Lily in mind. Later I'll post the frog in the Calla Lily. I think it turned into a formal collar with a textured button.

I get a Viking feeling slash Rhino feeling from this pot. I will definitely make more of these....so stay tuned over Christmas break...when I can once again....work in my studio.

Monday, August 15, 2011

August firing

                                         I created these early in the summer.....experimenting
                                        with some different clays...and decided I like my raku
                                        clay best for what I like to do most!
                                       The glazes in these pieces turned out really dramatic!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

The last of summer!

                                               In a flurry of activity.....I tried out a new idea.

 One thing leads to another...I guess, but this is all for a while, have to get ready for the new school year. These have to dry for some time before bisquing, so I think the next raku session will be in late September or early October.
Can't wait to see the results!
another octopus.....with three mice....don't know if they are the blind ones!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Summertime in the Studio

What do other people do with their free time in the summer? I can't imagine doing much else when you have a good chunk of time and a great studio to work in.....there can't be much of anything better than this!

These two lizards are creating great tension between them and will look great on the intense red and black pot when it gets fired.

                     Just playing around with this abstracted rhino. Sometimes, you just have to do it!
                   So, when you look at this pot......do you see the octopus climbing in or out?
 This was the last of the pieces for this time frame.....the frog may be a little large making it kinda cute....but I think I have to try some pots with interesting "collars", without animals.
                                 As if this octopus found something to explore....under the sea....
                                           not knowing someone else was doing the same!
                          When you say good-bye to one elephant.....you have to make another!
                                                                  And one more!
                                    I can't wait to see this one done....he really has an attitude!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weather clear....raku done!

It was a long, long winter....but I was able to get many pots made....and ready....waiting on my shelves for spring time. I had ordered my new kiln that finally came in early May....but then, the weather wasn't really co-oporating much at all!
Rakuing is an outdoor sport, and this spring didn't give us much sunshine!
Finally......there was a break in the weather, school was finished for the year, and my schedule was also cleared. 
Raku, it was...and what a fine day!
My good friend, David Hamill, assisted me with the rakuing process....and together it was like ballet!
We got a system down and the raku kiln worked great.
A little burnt grass is not too much to sacrifice for such pieces!

Come visit me during the Open Studio Tour
July 29, 30 and 31st
from 10am to 5pm

and you can see these pots in person!

                                                                      Three Frogs

                                                                   Black Lizard

                                                                Black Octopus

                                                                    Bull  Elephant

                                                                      Frog (view 1)

                                                               Frog (view 2)

                                                                  Green Lizard

                                                                     Hermit Crab


                                                                 Penguin Parade

                                                                        Polar Bear


                                                                      Red Lizard


                                                                        Rhino Pot


                                                               Walrus (view 1)

                                                                      Walrus (view 2)

                                                                   Yawning Lion

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Weekend....I finally got some work done!

 After visiting Costa Rica...these had to come out....this lizard (dazzling intense green)was hanging out under a bridge where we stopped to see the Iguanas that appeared to be very tame and plentiful. This guy had a shop near the bridge, near the water. Over time his small shop grew into a much larger tourist stop. I think he has the Iguanas to thank for that.

 These lizards were different species. They just seem to crawl so easily on my pots. The red will look great when fired. The clay that is grey will turn black from the carbon during the firing process which will make the red really punch!

These frogs just seem to be having a great time exploring their new home!