Ellen Silberlicht

Ellen Silberlicht
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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Scholastic Arts....2012

This horse was created by Chloe Lienert, a senior at Honesdale High School.

This tank is actually a working whistle and was created by Noah Pietraszewski
This is a busy time of year, getting ready for The Scholastic Art and Writing competition just before Christmas break is pretty hectic. I don't know why they have it at the beginning of the year, because there is some great work beginning to happen in my room by the first year students. My 3rd year students are doing some magnificent pieces. Each one is challenging themselves with their own vision. It's fantastic to see the students develop their voice in clay! Check back after Christmas to see their work. I will post all the work submitted on Facebook and then the winning pieces here. Can't wait to see who wins what awards and gets recognized for doing a great job!

Summer has ended....some time ago!

This grouping is something totally different than what I have made before....I just wanted to go abstract, and play....and see where it took me. This first piece was inspired by the fiddle ferns. The next one wasn't cooperating, so I cut it off and stretched it thin. It has a very delicate, still in motion feeling for me. The stain changes from a  green to a blue at the bottom.

This piece was created with a Calla Lily in mind. Later I'll post the frog in the Calla Lily. I think it turned into a formal collar with a textured button.

I get a Viking feeling slash Rhino feeling from this pot. I will definitely make more of these....so stay tuned over Christmas break...when I can once again....work in my studio.