Ellen Silberlicht

Ellen Silberlicht
click on my photo to view my website

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Last Serge of Studio Madness before School begins!

 I like to post photos of the pieces when they are done in clay, because with the raku process, they don't all survive. That, and the techniques I use, create pieces that push the parameters of what clay can do!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Summer work of 2013

 The Red Octopus
 Tall Fish Vessel
 Two Frogs
 Sea Turtle 1
 Sea Turtle 2
 Tall Black Octopus
 Metallic Octopus
 Green Goldfish
 One Crow
 Iguana 2
 Snails in the round
 5 Crows after One Shiny Ring
The Nature of Snails